I don’t know if I can do this??🤔

Life can be hard, but we always have a choice to determine how we react to whatever it throws our way. To be a person of impact, sometimes you have to conquer the most difficult of situations. And that’s just life. You are also, always, at free will to choose whether you want to be…

It’s Always YOU versus YOU!

♡I’m not the most perfect choice for lots of things Actually… ♡I’m not a perfect choice for anything really… ♡Countless times I have wanted to give up too. On the good days, I’m given “second chances” to deny who I am to fit other people’s standards…. But that’s kinda my point… ♡Spending a lifetime chasing…

What I learnt: #Confidence.

Confidence! Confidence! Confidence! Confidence is not an easy trait to master. It takes days, months or even years to gain, and considering how long it can take to build, it’s sad how equally short of a time it can take to destroy. As a title holder, 2019 was the year my confidence got tested the…